Subject: Christians and Thanksgiving Author: John D. Keyser Uploaded By: KiwiRed Date: 11/24/1996 File: THANKAOL.ASC (107472 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33696 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 109 Equipment: Any computer (ASCII) Needs: Any word processor On the surface Thanksgiving seems like a harmless enough observance; however, the surface ice is very thin! Lurking in the murky depths below is a veritable lake of PAGANISM awaiting the unsuspecting participant. The HARVEST HOME, CHRISTMAS and HALLOWEEN all have rituals in common that date back to ancient BABYLON and Semiramia! Read how Thanksgiving is an INFERIOR SUBSTITUTION for the TRUE Feast of Ingathering set apart by your Creator God as part of His Holyday Calendar to teach mankind about the INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL awaiting each and every one of us.